Rasmus Erlandsson

Rasmus Erlandsson

Researcher in terrestrial ecology

Stockholm University

About me

I am a researcher in ecology at Stockholm University, Sweden. My research is focused mainly on landscape ecology and species interactions in subarctic and arctic ecosystems, spanning from animals (mammals and arthropods) to vegetation (focusing on pale lichens).

Since May 2023, I lead the “Mountain Tundra Spider Project” - a 4 year research project at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences at Stockholm University, Sweden. The project is funded by FORMAS (a Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development)

I have previously worked at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research and the University of Tromsø in Norway. I have also been a visiting reasearcher at the Environmental Change Research Unit at Helsinki University in Finland.

Contact: contact@rasmuserlandsson.net

  • Ecology
  • Remote sensing
  • Population dynamics
  • Species interactions
  • High latitude ecosystems
  • PhD in Animal Ecology, 2019

    Stockholm University, Sweden

Latest scientific article

Leveraging synergies between UAV and Landsat 8 sensors to evaluate the impact of pale lichen biomass on land surface temperature in heath tundra ecosystems


The Swedish Arctic fox project, Stockholm University
The Swedish Arctic fox project, Stockholm University
2019-03 – 2019-10 Stockholm, Sweden
Population monitoring and analysis.
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA)
Postdoctoral researcher and researcher
2019-11 – 2023-12 Tromsø, Norway
Research on remote sensing methodologies for pale lichens.
University of Tromsø (UiT)
Postdoctoral researcher
2021-09 – 2023-04 Tromsø, Norway
Population dynamics and herbivore interactions
Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
2023-05 – Present Stockholm, Sweden
Climate effects on arthropod trophic interactions

Reports & Thesis

Kartlegging av lavbeitenes biomasse tilbake i tid
Satellittkartlegging av vinterbeiteområder i Fæmund sijte, Sålekinna-Håmmålsfjellet og Korssjøen og Feragen-vest


  • contact@rasmuserlandsson.net
  • Svante Arrhenius väg 20 A, Stockholm, SE-106 91
  • Room N393 - The Department of Environment, Ecology and Plant Sciences